Ray Hammond
Ray je jedným z najskúsenejších, najúspešnejších a najviac publikovaných Futuristov. Viac ako 30 rokov skúma, píše a prednáša o tom, ako trendy ovplyvňujú spoločnosť a aký je ich dopad z pohľadu globálneho sveta.
Ray je autorom 16 kníh o budúcnosti, dokumentujúcich jeho prácu, ktorej sa venuje od roku 1980. Množstvo kníh a prednášok je dostatočným dôkazom kompetencie, kvality a spoľahlivosti.
Jeho príručka "On-line Handbook" vydaná v roku 1984 bola vôbec prvým dielom na svete, ktoré identifikovalo význam Internetu a zadefinovala "search" ako najpodstatnejší parameter on-line reklamy a elektronického obchodu.
V roku 1986 vydal priekopnícku publikáciu "Modern Frankenstein". V nej ako prvý predpovedal dôležitosť genetického inžinierstva, klonovania a vznik super-inteligentných strojov/robotov, ktoré do istej miery nahradia, príp. budú súperiť s ľudským druhom.
V roku 1996 jeho medzinárodný bestseller "Digital Business" spracoval plán pre webový obchod a predstavil obchodný plán pre on-line obchodovanie.
Ray je tiež autorom štyroch futuristických románov a jeho knihy obsadili opakovane priečky top bestsellerov v USA, Veľkej Británii, Francúzsku, Španielsku, Poľsku, Japonsku a Číne.
Témy prednášok:
· Business Trends
· Future
· Futurist
· Globalization
· Innovation
· Social Media
· Technology
· The Seven Key Drivers of The Future: Asymmetric World Population Growth, Climate Change, The On-going Energy Transition, the World's Poorest Two Billion People, Globalization, Accelerating Exponential Technology Development and the Multiple Revolutions in Medicine.
· Digital Health - How wearables, on-body sensors and ambulatory health-data capture are going to change everything about medicine, healthcare and the pharmaceutical industry.
· The Future Of Travel and Transport- As self-driving cars arrive and wealthy Baby Boomers move into old age, how will the transport and travel industries change and adapt to these new opportunities?
· The Technological Singularity. What happens when computers are as clever as humans, and what happens when they are many times more clever? The implications of the long-term future.
· The Virtual Ape: Why humans love virtual business and social interactions and whyHomo Sapiens is about to become Homo Virtualis
· The Mobile Data Revolution (What extended networks,hybrid networks and broadband mobile will do for your organization)
· Generating and Capturing 'Business Process Intellectual Capital' Within Your Organization
Povedali o Rayovi:
"Brilliant! The six main drivers of the future Ray described provided the foundation for our day of discussions about the future of our business."
Angel Trains, London
"After Ray’s presentation on digital health, every delegate wanted a one-to-one conversation with him."
Astellas Pharmaceuticals, London
"The audience broke into spontaneous applause as Ray Hammond talked about the need to deregulate and reorganise the European electricity export market. He laid out a compelling future for the energy industry.
Verbund Energy, Salzburg, Austria
"There was so much to think aboutin Ray’s talk I’m going to have trouble sleeping tonight."
The Stairway Consultancy at British Airways HQ, Heathrow
"Ray captivated our audience of healthcare professionals. He explained the profound impact digital technology will have on patients and healthcare."
NHS North-East Leadership Academy, UK
"On behalf of 650 spellbound delegates, thank you Ray.Your keynote address was just brilliant and we have had rich feedback. Your address was incisive, relevant, encouraging, frightening, profound and funny."
EuRA 2015, Porto, Portugal
"We promised delegates at our conference something special, andRay Hammond delivered."
Power Of Three Investors' Conference, Stockholm
"Ray provided a really amazing early-evening speech. It provided plenty of fruitful discussion over dinner."
Camelot Consulting AG, Montreux, Switzerland
"The Future Of Employment is a challenging topic, but Ray Hammond provided a convincing glimpse of what might be coming in his stimulating keynote."
Employers' Network, London
"Our international guests werestunned by Ray's vision of the mobile business future."
Samsung Europe
"Ray delivered the best keynote presentation I've ever heard."
Union Of The European Lubricants Industry, Madrid
"Everyone in the room was very impressed by Ray's unscripted but riveting speech."
Marine Harvest, Gdansk, Poland
"Participants loved the way Ray presented.This was a convincing alternative way of thinking about the future."
Royal Netherlands Airforce, Utrecht
"Ray's speech was stunning. It made our evening!"
Atos-Samsung, Paris
Rayove úvahy:
Facebook seems to be eclipsing even Google as the 'go-to' internet site, but have you noticed that Google is now getting smarter by the day? Read The Awakening Global Brain to see what's going on.
And, on the subject of emergent global intelligence, read a scene from 'Emergence', written in 1999, on the subject of smart companions.
On the way to global network consciousness, there are going to be many new forms of wealth generated in business. Read my essay on 'Intellectual Capital'.
Back to the topic of machine intelligence; in The Cloud I imagined how some parts of society might react to intelligent humanoid 'baby dolls' being marketed and sold.